About Us

Who is Aldo?

Aldo Lucas, Very Good Boy, was born in February of 2014 in South Dakota. A few months later he was found running along a highway dragging a broken chain. He was severely malnourished, had a bad case of mange and a few deep cuts in his legs. He found his way to Animal House(Now Animal Friends Alliance), a shelter in Fort Collins, Co.

Adoption Day

When we met Aldo he was scared of just about everything, including tennis balls and crinkly toys. Thankfully, that fear did not extend to other animals and he was eager to play with our cat and the neighbor dogs. On his third day with us we were delighted to learn that he has a curly tail.

The House

Front of a beige bungalow with blue metal roof. Detached garage is connected by a covered walkway.

The house was built in 1954. It’s a petite bungalow at about 850 square feet with a generous yard in a neighborhood where the loudest sound is frequently the rooster a block over.